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The Database that thinks
© 2007 Ben Margolis

How to Use NN.MDB

The Neural Workbench form contains all the controls needed to create an MLP,
 link it to a datasource, train, test, run and evaluate it.

  MLP Name MLP Education         Train Test and Run  

MLP Architecture

Status and
TTS Text

Neural Cluster Diagram

NN Training History

Neuron Detail Report


Hey, this doesn't look like a Microsoft Access App. (Yes, I know.)


MLP Name &  Architecture

MLP Name: A reference name for this NN. Just for user convenience. Each NN is also assigned a unique autonumber for internal reference.

MLP Architecture. Enter the number of Input Neurons, Hidden Neurons and Output Neurons. The system calculates the number of synaptic connections. Click "Gernerate" to create the MLP as entered. You will see the NN appear in the Neural Network Diagram Window.

If you want to change the MLP design, click "Delete," change the parameters and click "Generate " again. To retrain the MLP without changing the design, click "Randomize"

Backup and Restore are NYI. PrepNN is only required with shared neurons. (Click here for more about shared neurons in version 2.)

Version 2 supports Serial Memory, which enables the NN to remember data from one activation to the next. This will, for instance, allow your NN read data stored in a "one day per row" table to evaluate it on a "last five days" basis. Check the box for Serial Memory and enter the number of Events. This will create one "memory neuron" for each event, for each input neuron. At runtime, system automatically passes the values of the inputs down this "memory chain." 


Data Sources

Simply enter the names of any MS Access tables or queries in the current MDB file. These can be tables in linked files, or SQL or ODBC data sources.

FactData refers to the Training Set and is opened for read only access. Its a good idea to use a Select Query and a random sort.


TestData (the Verification Set) and RunData (the runtime data source) must be updatable. The system will write data to those tables at runtime.

Click Map I/O Fields to open a subwindow displaying the current NN's layer one and layer three neurons to allow you to enter field names to map those neurons to specific columns in the tables entered above. Current version expects all I/O data to be within the range {-1...+1}. Automatic scaling is NYI.

Note: If you Delete and re-Generate the NN you must remap I/O neurons.


Once your NN has been Generated and you have entered a FactData source and Mapped I/O Fields, you are ready to begin training.

Enter a Learning Rate (that is >0 and <1), and a Tolerance, which can be anything you want based on the fact that the expected output going to be within the range {-1...+1}. Enter one or more Stop On parameters. (If you don't, the system will run for exactly one full epoch.) Click TRAIN to begin.

Note: The Break Button was designed to stop training immediately. However, I noticed that checking for this condition slowed down training, so it has been temporarily disabled.

MLP Education

Just the total number of training facts run through this NN, how many were good, how many bad and mean squared error. Watch this window during training you should see number of Good Facts going up and the MSE going down. If not, you (or I) have done something wrong.

NN Training History

I got tired of trying to remember "Did I try twenty-five neurons on the hidden layer yet?" and "Which was the best Learning Rate .5 or .4?" So I added the memo field called Training History.  Every significant event the "life" of a particular NN is automatically recorded in reverse chronological order.  Beginning and ending training, when the NN was built and rebuilt etc. You can also manually type any notes you wish in this field.

Neural Network Diagram

This was fun. I implemented Steve Lebans excellent VBA Picturebox control to draw a diagram of the NN.

The thickness of the lines indicate the weights, lighter color is positive, darker is negative.

Click on any neuron to get a...

Neuron Detail Report

This window tells you everything there is to know about a neuron.

The nID, the Datafield (I/O neurons only), a Trigger value for binary neurons (NYI) an alternate activation Function (NYI) the last delta, the last value and its current weight.

The two subforms show the Input and Output (synaptic) weights. You can type in these values and change the weights.

The Replace button is only use when sharing neurons.



Straight out of BrainMaker. The x axis show the weights (to plus or minus 8), and the height of the bars indicate the number of synapses with that weight. As usual, we are looking for a nice bell curve in these bar charts. However, I can tell if the MLP is learning or not, based on MSE and the Neural Cluster Diagram long before the Historgram shows it.




NN.MDB Website Navigation



Native to Access:
easily reads all Access data without export, can be easily implemented in any Access app without external APIs.

A Great Primer for Access programmers who want an intro into Neural nets.

Neural Diagrams: See your network, watch it grow!

Shared Neurons: Build complex multi-tier networks.


  More info:

How It Works

How to Use It


NYI: Not Yet Implemented

The Interface

Versions 2 & 3

NN.ACCDB (The Access 2007 version)







© 2009 Ben Margolis. All Rights Reserved.